Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nathan's First Soccer Goal

Maddie and Nathan are back on the soccer field this fall. Maddie is still the oldest player on our team. I regret not moving her up to the U-8 team this season; but on the other hand so glad that she is still able to play on the same team as Nathan. She is developing some good skills that will take her to the next level and Nathan is enjoying playing a lot more this season. He scored his first goal in the second game this year. He was so excited and I hate to admit it, but I had a tear in my eye when he scored! I was so excited, proud, and overwhelmed with joy when he scored! Last spring, he would just run around with the rest of the kids, but never tried to really connect with the ball. He has definitely had a taste of scoring and wants more!

Here he is traveling with the ball down the field on his way to his first goal!
I missed taking a picture of the actual goal, but caught his face right afterwards!
This is the reason that I am so happy that I did not move Maddie up to the next level. She was so excited for him and immediately congratulated him on the sideline. PRICELESS!
I love watching these kids play, I get such enjoyment and feel such pride!

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