Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Roaring 20's - Murder at the Juice Joint

Kara and David had their 2nd annual murder mystery party back in September. This year it took place in the 1920's at a juice bar with gangsters and flappers! We had a a lot of fun picking out costumes and wigs. I thought blonde's had more fun, but I was wrong. I like myself much better as a brunette (roots are peeking)!

Tucker's character was the one that got murdered and I was his girlfriend.
The 3 Musketeers
The Whole Group The 1920's Men
The 1920's Women
The party was a blast again this year and I am looking forward to seeing what Kara has in store for next year!

Nathan's First Soccer Goal

Maddie and Nathan are back on the soccer field this fall. Maddie is still the oldest player on our team. I regret not moving her up to the U-8 team this season; but on the other hand so glad that she is still able to play on the same team as Nathan. She is developing some good skills that will take her to the next level and Nathan is enjoying playing a lot more this season. He scored his first goal in the second game this year. He was so excited and I hate to admit it, but I had a tear in my eye when he scored! I was so excited, proud, and overwhelmed with joy when he scored! Last spring, he would just run around with the rest of the kids, but never tried to really connect with the ball. He has definitely had a taste of scoring and wants more!

Here he is traveling with the ball down the field on his way to his first goal!
I missed taking a picture of the actual goal, but caught his face right afterwards!
This is the reason that I am so happy that I did not move Maddie up to the next level. She was so excited for him and immediately congratulated him on the sideline. PRICELESS!
I love watching these kids play, I get such enjoyment and feel such pride!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy.......

I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I last posted something on this blog!!! I have been so busy, I don't even know where to begin. I have been working a lot lately, covering for co-workers on vacation and picking up a few extra days. Then, when I get home - it's going to pick up the kids, cooking dinner, helping Maddie with her homework, some playtime with the kids, bathing the kids, tucking the kids in bed, straightening up the house, throwing some laundry in the washing machine, may catch a little TV, then falling into bed, getting up and starting all over again. On my days off, it is pretty much the same! But, I am not complaining.....I really do love my life (just wish we weren't so BUSY)!!

The kids are doing great! Both Maddie and Nathan learned to ride a bike this summer without training wheels. Maddie was ready and we taught her in the backyard, Nathan saw what was going on and he proclaimed that he could do that as well. So, Tucker gave him a push and he hasn't stopped since! Both of them picked this task up fairly quickly. Nathan also learned how to swim without floaties this summer and Maddie perfected her swimming and learned to dive and do lots of tricks off the diving board! I am very proud to have both kids swimming and loving the water, as well as bike riding! We are back into playing soccer this fall and the kids really have improved since the spring. Nathan has done a complete 180 and developing some good footwork. Maddie is still the leading scorer on our team and she loves it!
Maddie is doing well in school. She had her first report card a few weeks ago, all A's and S's! We are very proud of her with her spelling, reading, and reading comprehension. She is a pretty quick learner. Nathan is learning a few sight words at school - he knew 11 out of 20 one day when his teacher quizzed him. We were very excited about that! However, if we could just get him to recognize his letters!! We practice off and on and Maddie has been working with him as well (I don't think she is going to be a teacher when she grows up - no patience!). Nathan may be the only child that knows how to read without knowing his letters!

There are several events over the past few months that I am excited to post about. Hopefully, I will be able to work on that tomorrow after Nathan and I go grocery shopping. All is well here, just busy!