Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Last Sunday, we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt with our family and close friends. We had about 15 kids show up and go running after eggs in our backyard. Tucker always waits to mow the yard after the big hunt, so that is why our grass is so high. We had several eggs that contained money and the big prize egg that had $5.00 hidden in it. Audrey found the prize egg and had to wrestle it away from some boys, pretty funny! Afterwards, we had a kickball game with the kids. I don't know who had more fun, the kids or the adults. We had a great time and the weather cooperated with us up until the end of the afternoon.
This year we tried something different. We decided to have two egg hunts, a 1-3 year old hunt and a 4 and older hunt. I think the ages were divided equally and everyone found their share of eggs. The first hunters consisted of these 3 cuties - Nathan, Ruby, and their friend Emily.

The Mighty Hunter

Miss Emily, she is too cute!
Ruby is really concentrating!

Nathan and Ruby doing what they do best....fighting over something

Then, little Hillary arrived and she was so precious!

Then, it was the older kids turn. They were so excited, they could hardly wait to go. I have to admit, they were really patient waiting on the younger ones. ( I just realized, I didn't get any pictures of Maddie hunting eggs - what a terrible mother!!!)

The big kickball game

We had a great time!

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