Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Letter to Santa

Monday night, Tucker and Maddie sat down and wrote a letter to Santa. It was really cute, the two of them sitting at the kitchen table discussing what Maddie wants for Christmas. Since October, Maddie has paused the commericals on the DVR with things that she has wanted. She and her daddy made a list of these items and wrote the letter to Santa. She was so excited when I found Santa's address and informed her that she could receive a letter in return from him. We put in $5.00, a self-addressed and stamped envelope along with the letter and sealed it shut. On Tuesday morning on our way to preschool, Maddie held on to the letter for dear life. We stopped by the post office and sent the letter on it's way to the North Pole. Once again, she was very excited and couldn't stop smiling. I just hope it doesn't take a long time to receive the letter from Santa. I don't know how she is going to contain herself!!

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